Pat's Log
Sun, 31 May 2009

The Month of May
20090531 That last entry was written in a hurry at the Toronto Airport. It didn't convey very well what was on my mind (or at least the relevant things on my mind). So, I'll try again in the last few hours before May is over. In fact, May is already over where I am right now.

May was a very busy month. It held the significance of being the one-year anniversary of moving into my own place, but it was also extremely busy because I took on a philosophy similar to that of Jim Carey's character in Yes Man, to fill every free time slot with something. For example, after getting off the plane back from Boulder on a late Friday evening, I hopped into my car at the airport and drove straight out to Markus' bachelor party not far from Algonquin Park. No time wasted. That's how the month went, every moment occupied by new experiences. The TV got very little attention the whole time.

Speaking of Boulder, the trip was also very busy. I had hoped for a bit of time for some photography or a short hike, but it didn't happen. Still, the evenings were enjoyable, with Boulder's good patio weather and many microbrews.

Markus' wedding was a blast. I bought some new clothes for the event, and felt like a million bucks being dressed respectably for once in my life. And what a once-in-a-life event: certainly, the reception afterwards brought out the best qualities of all of the people I've known for years. As vague as it sounds, all of the right elements just came together.

So, here I am now, back in Taipei, my fifth time here. The setup for Computex starts in a couple of hours. It's great that the month of May also brought about a revival of one of my favourite activities, namely travel. The attached photo is of late afternoon while flying over the Rockies. We have a family trip planned for a drive through these fantastic mountains later this summer. For now, I'll enjoy the hospitality of the locals. I am here for four weeks, so hopefully there will be time to write about some of the more interesting endeavours around here.

And before I forget, I'll recommend one of the in-flight movies I saw, Gran Torino. An unusual movie, but a very good one. Clint Eastwood nailed that one.

[] | posted @ 22:35 | link

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