Pat's Log
Mon, 23 Jan 2006

Stainless Steel
20060122 The VHS transfer, cleanup, chapter setting, and burning is done! Praise $DIETY! A grand total of 30 discs over the last two weeks.

My mom's birthday was yesterday. I found her this really nice all-stainless knife set. I couldn't resist doing a false-greyscale photo of it. The blue light from outside and the yellow light from inside create a very soft contrast. That, and I love the machined texture on the blade itself.

Gym yesterday was great. I pushed myself really hard while swimming and it got me into a great pace (good). I rewarded myself by eating too much cake (bad).

Today, I found RealGTA.Net, an amazing (free) expansion pack for GTA3. It basically replaces most of the models in the game with more realistic versions, including real branding. Simply an amazing expansion.

I'm looking forward to this week of work. Good things should happen.

[] | posted @ 03:30 | link

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