Pat's Log
Sun, 28 Aug 2005

How To Piss Pat Off
20050827 The following is a step-by-step guide to the correct way to piss me off, if you're a thirteen-year-old boy:

  1. Wake up before nine on a Saturday.
  2. Start an argument with your younger sister.
  3. Start laughing and jumping up and down hysterically. Make sure you run up and down the stairs and make as many unusual noises as possible.
  4. Ignore cease and decist shouts from your recently awakened older brother.
  5. Continue for 15 minutes.
  6. When said brother comes after you with rage in his eyes, lock yourself in your room.

Naturally, this causes me to knock furiously on the door -- perhaps a little too hard. On the bright side, he loses his lock; actually, his whole door. We get to split the cost on a new door.

The funny thing out of this is that we all got grounded. When I thought this over, I started laughing hysterically myself... grounded. My hand went through a door! And I'm grounded! And I'm laughing! What a day!

On a completely unrelated note, this is what running too many BitTorrent sessions on a NetWinder can do:

22:29:06 up 7 days, 13:21, 10 users, load average: 8.87, 7.82, 6.63

[] | posted @ 03:57 | link

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