How To Piss Pat Off
The following is a step-by-step guide to the correct way to piss me off, if
you're a thirteen-year-old boy:
- Wake up before nine on a Saturday.
- Start an argument with your younger sister.
- Start laughing and jumping up and down hysterically. Make sure you run up and down the stairs and make as many unusual noises as possible.
- Ignore cease and decist shouts from your recently awakened older brother.
- Continue for 15 minutes.
- When said brother comes after you with rage in his eyes, lock yourself in your room.
Naturally, this causes me to knock furiously on the door -- perhaps a little too hard. On the bright side, he loses his lock; actually, his whole door. We get to split the cost on a new door.
The funny thing out of this is that we all got grounded. When I thought this over, I started laughing hysterically myself... grounded. My hand went through a door! And I'm grounded! And I'm laughing! What a day!
On a completely unrelated note, this is what running too many BitTorrent sessions on a NetWinder can do:
22:29:06 up 7 days, 13:21, 10 users, load average: 8.87, 7.82, 6.63