Pat's Log
Tue, 05 Jul 2005

British Columbia - Day 8
20050704-1 Today was Markus' last day, marking the end of the vacation per se. We started off in Queen Elizabeth Park, where the Bloedel Conservatory was used in Galactica's movie episode in the creepy scene with the little girl who dies while playing with her doll. Outside, there were nice botanical gardens, bridges, waterfalls.

Our next stop was the Vancouver Art Gallery. I didn't like it very much. Maybe I just didn't get it.

Finally, before taking Markus to the airport, we got a tour of TRIUMF, where my godfather works. This lab has the largest cyclotron on the planet. The whole campus is massive. All of the equipment there was very impressive. Radiation tags are cool.

After Markus left, I drove to the Vancouver Film Studios. The security guard would not let me in, he said to call and see if they do tours. So I did, and they do not. Apparently, the studio is much less hands-on than Paramount, and leaves everything up to the individual productions. In this case, Battlestar Galactica will be very hard to reach.

An interesting sign at the main gate to the studio...


... which led to a lot of cars on the streets around there with these:


To top the day off, I went "home", and my godfather let me drive his latest toy: a black BMW 328i. This one is quite a bit nicer than his other one: it's newer and standard.

[] | posted @ 03:59 | link

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