Pat's Log
Wed, 29 Jun 2005

British Columbia - Day 2
20050628-1 Today was the first full day on the town. To get around, we decided to rent bikes and explore downtown and Stanley Park. I was a little annoyed that it is actually law to wear a helmet here. So I didn't.

Vancouver is a really nice city, with amazing buildings and lots of green space. On our way to Stanley Park we biked through Canada Place (home of Expo 1986), and the boat docks next to it. It seemed like a nice place for a 360-degree panorama:


The trail around Stanley Park was really nice too. I saw the largest trees I've ever seen in my life, and apparently these were not particularly large. The cool breeze and around-20-degree weather were extremely refreshing.

On the way back from Stanley Park, we came around the Vancouver Public Library, another location Galactica used. The building is much larger than I expected. It was neat to see why they used a wide lens in the show: there really isn't much room around the building, and they cleverly had to hide the signs of the shops on the ground floor.

After seeing other places downtown, we decided over a live Jazz dinner that it would be great to go somewhere more wild...

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