Pat's Log
Mon, 21 Feb 2005

Week of Hell
20050221 Last week is the week known as Week of Hell, in that everything is due and all midterms pile up upon one-another. This week is break time, and next week is essentially more of the same, since there is nothing due and midterms are over for the time being. I am slowly recovering after last week's barbaric schedule.

Battlestar Galactica continues to impress. However, this week's episode showed a scene from Cylon Occupied Caprica, where a Scotiabank logo stood out at me, even though the clip was only a few seconds long. Further digging indicated it was just a completely unmodified photo of Vancouver. I'm surprised they didn't take the logo out.

Plans for this week include major catching-up on 4th year project goals. The draft of the final report is due in a matter of weeks, so I really should be nearing completion. There is also a large pile of groupwork to do. I just hope everything goes well during the remaining five-or-so weeks of university classes. There are many loose ends to tie up.

[] | posted @ 19:16 | link

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