Pat's Log
Fri, 21 Jan 2005

Earth Continues to Revolve
20050120 Indeed, Planet Earth continues its constant cycle of change. Last week the temperature was over freezing point, and everything was a slushy mess. This week, with windchill, the temperature is less than -40°C, with everything frozen beyond the ability of salt to melt, and the smokestacks on buildings downtown seem to have plumes that extend several hundred metres. At the same time, the days are getting longer and causing spectacular reflections from the glass buildings around the time I wait for the bus to take me home at night.

Many of my recent online purchases have come in. Two days ago, my hundred-pack of white LEDs arrived. Yesterday, my self-indulgent phaser kit has arrived. This unit is mastered from the same molds that they used on Voyager, and the quality is certainly not lacking. Unfortunately, that incurred $63 dollars of border fees. Today, my Badger airbrush compressor arrived, also from the States. With this, another $23 of border fees. Finally, today, my new laptop motherboard came in. This one had no border fees.

There are two things that are a complete mystery to me, having dealt with 4 packages over the last few days:

  1. Taxes: Why am I charged tax on a used item? Moreover, why am I paying tax to the Canadian Government on used items I purchased from the States? Should I not be paying the taxes to the U.S.? It seems strange that I'm paying for used items purchased over the border when I don't have to pay them on my motherboard, purchased in-province, where the tax would have some meaningful representation.
  2. The post office usually delivers mail to a community box down the road from my house. However, when parcels come in, they come up to the door and leave a note on the door to pick up the package at the post office. If they already come to the door to leave the note, would it hurt to ring the doorbell and actually deliver the item?

All of this buying has taken a much larger toll on my credit card than expected. This is the first time I have to do creative things to ensure payment can be covered. I had no idea one can have negative credit...

Finally, school is starting to ramp up again. Next week promises to be interesting, with several assignments and 4th-year-project oral presentations. The end is starting to become clear. In just over two months I will be scrambling to hand in final papers and whatnot. Then, I shall be free.

[] | posted @ 04:53 | link

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