This Saturday was spent gliding as a fundraiser for EngFrosh. I went last
year to the same event, and it was a great new experience, so I went again
this year. It felt more "normal" this year; that is, the feeling of flying
without engine power. There's a certain grace to flying that is
significantly increased in the silence a glider. Side-slipping still
feels strange. This is the ability of the glider to actually fly more or
less sideways with one of its wings pointed fairly sharply toward the
ground. It does funny things to the airspeed indicater, and feels completely
bizarre to anyone used to forward-flight-only/powered aircraft.
In the evening I watched The Godfather. It wasn't quite what I expected. I actually expected to be a little more touched by the character of the Godfather, based on everything I've ever heard about the movie. I may have to watch it again at some point to pick up the finer details of the story.
Today was spent cleaning the EngSoc office. It needed a little work "here and there." It's a little better off now.
The professor I approached about my fourth year project wants more information before deciding whether or not to supervise me. He referred me to some very interesting research by a professor at Lakehead. I'm going to respond to his eMail now. I can't believe there are only ten days of work left before school starts.