Pat's Log
Thu, 29 Jul 2004

With everyone gone, this is truly a week of freedom. Since I don't have a dinner to come home to, I've been going to the Carleton gym to work out. I find it relieves hunger quite a bit, though it's left me a little sore. Tonight was the first night I went to the pool to do some laps. I feel great.

At work, I've spent the whole week thus far making a software RAID array work. The machine has an on-board VIA SATA controller. If this were kernel 2.4.x, VIA provides a driver for this "half-hardware" card, where the BIOS keeps track of consistency, while the OS driver takes care of writing to multiple devices. But, this being a 2.6.x kernel, I needed to go with the kernel's RAID1 implementation. It's been difficult, but it finally started working. It's actually a very comprehensive driver. I may start using it elsewhere too.

Only a couple more days of freedom...

[] | posted @ 04:27 | link

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