Pat's Log
Fri, 04 Jun 2004

New Wheels
20040603 Today I finally purchased the wheels I've been meaning to get for the last little while. The diameter is one inch larger (R14 vs. R13), and they are a little wider than stock. The current tires need changing anyway, and the wheels were a good deal, seeing as they cost less than the new tires will. Of course, only after bringing them home did I notice that one of the four (pictured) is missing the center cover. All the others have pieces that fit into the middle hole. I will have to concoct something; even black lexan would be better than a hole. It was still worth it: each wheel even has a stainless steel vent cap. There is someting beautiful about how light reflects from polished alloys.

I am still very much amazed by the camera's ability to take good photos. This photo was taken during twilight, when the sun had already mostly set (at about 20:30). The brightness of the wheel is significantly higher than in real life, making it look like daylight.

[] | posted @ 03:17 | link

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