Pat's Log
Mon, 17 May 2004

Two New Toys!
20040516 After seeing Markus' fantastic pictures from Italy, I decided I needed a camera just like his. It also happened to be on sale, as was SD memory. So, I got the camera, with 256 megs of memory, and a decent carrying case. This camera does very fast auto-adjustment, has excellent light-shadow balance, an amazing live histogram, blazing-fast card access, a very cool calendar view displaying the pictures taken on it, and a very well designed menu system. I like it. I like it a lot.

Seeing as one toy is not enough, I also purchased a CD player for the car. This unit handles MP3s as well, and I cannot believe how good it sounds. I was under the impression that the speaker system in the car was sub-optimal, but a decently powerful amplifier with a decent equalizer proved me wrong. Now I have but one question: what's with the remote?

So, yeah... It takes only 700 bucks to make me happy.

[] | posted @ 03:35 | link

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